The vegetable production in the picture has been cultivated by Rathod Mohansing Bhursingh. He was previously not aware about the cash crop cultivation and was growing only maize and fodder. But now after GVT’s intervention in the village wherein it conducted several meetings as result of which he came to know about the HDFC BANK HRDP project as well as vegetable cultivation benefits being offered. Thereafter he started cultivating cash crop Potato Kufari Pukhraj variety that was demonstrated under the guidance of GVT team in his field, and within 80 days the results were surprisingly well. The cultivation used less pesticides and chemical fertilizers & he switched to FYM, Pests were controlled by using Neem leaves & garlic extract and Gou- mutra (Traditional Cow Urine). He cited of earning more than Rs. 8000/. Further, he shared that out of the total money earned, he has deposited nearly 50% of the amount in Bank and has spent some for the shopping of his family more He heartily thanks GVT for motivating, guiding, and constantly supporting him through regular monitoring of his field. Now he understands that the change in cropping pattern can increase his livelihood for the better. In fact, he is regularly cultivating vegetables on his field now and has started advising other farmers to bring change (adopt vegetable farming) in their farming practices that can lead them to earn more than double income. He credits GVT for showing him the right path in agriculture practices.
Name of the Farmer: Rathod Mohansinh Bhursinh
Address: Limadiya Village, Mahisagar – District