GVT Timeline

1992 – 2005
DFID sponsored EIRFP and WIRFP
In the year 1992, GVT started its journey as a division of KRIBHCO with support of Govt. of India and DFID (UK). The EIRFP and WIRFP projects were implemented in two phases from 1992 to 1999 and then from 1999 to 2006. Overall, 11.29 lakh people benefitted from this initiative and their average incomes rose by Rs.30,000 annually, base year being 2006.
Establishment of GVT
In 1999 Gramin Vikas Trust emerged as an independent entity after being registered under Indian Trust Act 1882, New Delhi on 04th May’1999 as a Trust and continued to implement Western India Rainfed Farming Project (WIRFP) and 2nd phase of EIRFP funded by DFID till 2007 and during which it managed projects worth Rs. 125 crore.
National Livelihood Resources Institute (NLRI)
GVT established a state of the art National Livelihood Resources Institute (NLRI) on the picturesque locale outside the city of Ratlam in Bhadrwasa Village in Jaora block of Madhya Pradesh. NLRI shares an interactive training, participatory research and appreciative inquiry into the intricate interlinked world of rural livelihood.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Jharkhand)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Jharkhand established at Sub-divisional Agriculture farm in the year 2006. The KVK is the grassroots level technology transfer and vocational training institution designed with the aim of bridging the gap between the available technologies at one end and application of increased production on the other. During its inception year 105 Training Programs were conducted with total of 5289 participant, 925 extension activities were carried out with 2915 participants and 812 quintals of seeds were produced at Farmer’s field.
WADI Project
GVT became Project Implementation Agency (PIA) in Bundwan Block of Purulia district for prestigious WADI project. The project was sanctioned by NABARD and Govt. of West Bengal. The total assistance sanctioned under project is Rs. 38,668 lakhs for supporting 1000 tribal families.

Partnership with Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Indian Oil Corporation Limited partnered with GVT in the Revenue waste land and contract farming model implementation project after acknowledging survey work done by GVT in Jhabua for energy plantation.
Migrant Labor Support Program
Migrant Labor support program aimed to improve the livelihoods for migrant communities through various innovative activities which covered around 1077000 migrant population in 870 villages. The pivot around which GVT’s vision was built is through JANKAR Systems – a male or female para-professional- selected by the community. 6000 JANKARS were developed for various project interventions resulting to increase in capacity building of more than 1.5 lakh people, rise in poverty line of 31000 rural tribal households and increasing 40% annual family income of 1200SHG involved in income generating activities.
Skill Up-gradation Programs
GVT took up skill development trainings and awareness building as one of the core areas of its operation. GVT partnered with various organizations like CIDC which is a body promoted and established by the Planning Commission Government of India, RUDA State Govt. of Gujarat and Tribal Development Govt. of Gujarat. GVT created a pool of master trainers who were employed with the organization and imparted various skill up gradation trainings at various places in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. GVT was always invited by Govt. of Gujarat to build a skill development training institute at Dahod and provide need based training to the marginalized section of the population.
Watershed Development
GVT developed integrated Watershed through development and management including pasture land development and management.

National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)
A total of 550 farmers from six blocks of Jharkhand have been provided with interactive workshop on farming practices of improved and high-yield crops introduced in the areas.
The Project is also implemented in Godda to increase the livelihood of inhabitants carried out in 5 tribal villages.
Under this project Seed Village Activities, Training & Capacity building, Soil & water conservation, Vegetable cultivation, formation of SHG among the beneficiaries were carried out in Gujarat benefiting 1368 Households in six villages of the target cluster.
Rural Business Hub (RBH)
The Ministry of Panchayti Raj identified Gramin Vikas Trust as Gateway Agency for facilitation of the Rural Business Hub in Ranchi, Deoghar district of Jharkhand and Birbhum district of West Bengal. GVT has implemented two RBH projects on Decentralized Power Generation which covered 10 villages of 4 panchayats in 2 blocks of Ranchi and Bamboo based craft items project up scaling 40 artisans
Commonwealth Games
GVT participated in the Commonwealth Games organized in 2010 in New Delhi. GVT gave input for facilitation of 1000-2000 construction workers regarding registration and approximately 5000 to 6000 workers were made aware about the benefits from welfare board and were sensitized about their rights.
Seed Producers Company
Seed Multiplication programme of GVT aimed to introduce effective interventions to provide resource-limited farmers with the seed security to achieve food security. During the Rabi 2009-10, 70 hectares of land was taken with a yield of 500 quintals. To ensure greater access over seed production and marketing, GVT with support of RiUP, CAZS made attempt to promote 23 Seed Producers Groups with active emancipation of 325 farmers in sixteen villages under five Blocks of Mayurbhanj district.

The project was implemented to promote integrated watershed development through land water conservation and water resource development along with targeting other components like livestock development, crop improvement, women and social development, community health and capacity building. Almost 597 families were covered and 920 ha area has been treated.
GVT has consistently demonstrated its concern for communities by providing access to financial, social, economic services and direct benefit schemes of the government to its targeted population. KGVS took up an NPR project at Mothari district of Bihar which aimed to collect specific information of all usual residents in the country during the house listing and housing census phase of Census 2011 for the period of April 2010 to September 2010. Te objective of the NPR is to help better targeting of the benefits and services under the government schemes, improving planning, improving security and prevent identity fraud. KGVS through its e-Governance services provided benefits to its target population living in the tribal and poor rural areas and made them equipped to deal with multiple institutions by them.
Yogini Handicrafts
An initiative of Gramin Vikas Trust was set up with the main objective of bringing Art & Handicrafts of Tribal and Rural communities under one room for better visibility and market potential. GVT procures handicrafts directly from the tribal groups and sells them to various corporate houses and other potential buyers. The proceeds from the sale directly go to the beneficiaries and producer groups. Apart from handicrafts, GVT also does marketing of processed food items like honey, pickles and spices produced by SHGs in its project area. Yogini also focuses on fabric materials
GVT provided handholding support for district planning preparation in 4 selective districts of Rajasthan under BRGF. 6,453 Villages were covered in this project

Sourcing and Marketing of Fresh fruits and Vegetables (FFV)
25 acres of land at Shahjahanpur and 10 acres of land at Hazira has been taken up for cultivation of vegetables which includes range of activities like production (growing), aggregation, transportation, marketing and retailing of FFV. After collection from farmers the produce is sorted and graded as per requirement of the vendors, who usually have their own network to sell the produce. Retailing of FFVs has been promoted through various retail chain outlets and vending carts also.
School of Rural Management
The academic wing of NLRI i.e. School of Rural Management was started with two year diploma courses in Rural MBA. These courses included Diploma in Organic Farming and Diplomas in Agriculture business.
Million SOUL Project
In association with IIT Bombay with an outlay of Rs. 48 Lakh and was implemented in various states of Madhya Pradesh with an aim at ensuring “right of light to child” i.e. providing solar study lamps to school students (class 5th to 12th) so as to ensure uninterrupted study hours of students in rural areas and make them aware of the localization of solar energy through local assembly and its usage as solar lamps. 53,000 lamps were distributed in 6 blocks of Jhabua and Dhar district

IHHT under Swach Bharat
GVT was awarded this project under the CSR of Power Finance Corporation Limited in response to the SWACH BHARAT call of Hon’be Prime Minister. Project holds a value of Rs. 715.50 lakh, under the project 3000 IHHTs are to be constructed in identified districts of 3 states.
Farmers Producers Organization Project
Collectivization of producers, especially small and marginal farmers into producer organizations for improved access to investments, technology and inputs and markets The project was carried out 72 villages covering more than 5000 farmers with an project outlay of Rs. 102.4 lakh.
Inauguration of Women Sewing Training
Women sewing training classes were inaugurated at Abhlod village under WADI project. Women SHG beneficiaries were selected for the sewing training program under the NABARD wadi project.

Sanitation and Hygiene
Various projects for promotion and adoption of Sanitation and hygiene implemented by Gramin Vikas Trust which included construction of Individual Household toilets, provision of safe drinking water, installation of water coolers and chest water coolers, IEC activities, Hiring and training of cleaning staff for the maintenance of constructed toilets capitalized by organizations like ONGC, United technologies Limited, Aditya Medicines Limited, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Limited.
GVT signed MoU with ODIS Filtering Ltd. Israel
A team of foreign delegates visited GVT Head Office (Noida). An agreement was signed between GVT and ODIS, Israel to work together on projects of rain water harvesting, water resource management, sea/brackish/ turbid/ waste water treatment in India.
GVT M.P accredited with successful registration of GI tag for Kadaknath Germplasm in Jhabua (M.P)
Kadaknath is a native breed of poultry inhabiting Jhabua and Dhar districts in Western parts of Madhya Pradesh. GVT, Jhabua 457661 Madhya Pradesh India facilitated by Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Madhya Pradesh Bhopal is the registered proprietor of the G.I. “Jhabua Kadaknath Black Chicken Meat” in respect of Poultry Meat falling in Class-29.

Inauguration of new constructed Check Dams by District Collector , Mahisagar under HRDP CSR Project funded by HDFC Bank
District Collector, Mahisagar inaugurated Check Dam and addressed beneficiaries, village community and village development committee members at Viraniya village of Mahisagar under Holistic Rural Development Program (HEDP) funded by HDFC Bank.
Jal Shakti Abhiyan
Under the Jal Shakti Abhiyan, RACP Project Boondi has been implemented by Gramin Vikas Trust. Under this project farm pond has been constructed in Thikerda Village, overview of which has been done by the Government of India, New Delhi appointed IAS Officers including Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health Dr. Manohar Agnani, Director, Home Ministry, S. Shankar, Deputy Director, Ministry of Water Resources Ashutosh Anand.
Gramin Vikas Trust got Empanelled with Ministry of Social Justice
GVT implemented various projects in associated with World Bank and UNDP
Government of India has felicitated District Godda with National Water Award for exemplary work of GVT under Watershed Project.
MoU signed with Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF) for High Impact Mega Watershed Project in Jharkhand
MoU signed with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) for the Establishment of Mini Dairy in Jharkhand
MoU signed for World Bank funded CHIRAAG Project in Chhattisgarh
NABARD sanctioned WDF and WADI projects in various states of India
MoU resigned with Power Grid Corporation Ltd

Gramin Vikas Trust awarded as ‘Best NGO creating impact in Agriculture’ by the prestigious AGRI AWARDS
Gramin Vikas Trust awarded as ‘Best NGO for Farmer’s Income Enhancement’ by FICCI
Gramin Vikas Trust has been Empanelled by NABARD, SFAC, NCDC and NAFED for formation and promotion of 25 Farmers Producer Organizations in 9 states
Empanelment in 10 states of India by Ministry of Jal Shakti and presently working as an Implementation Support Agency for National Jal Jeevan Mission programme in five states
Gramin Vikas Trust has been empanelled as Key Resource Centre (KRC) in 11 states of India under National Jal Jeevan Mission programme for capacity building and training
Gramin Vikas Trust, has bagged the most innovative project, Plastic Waste Management project which deals with the pressing issue of to deal with the massive issue of plastic waste, climate change and livelihoods in Golaghat, Assam
GVT in collaboration with HDFC Bank ‘PARIVARTAN’ has initiated a 3 years Holistic Rural Development Program (HRDP) in WEST Sikkim. The programme is being executed in 14 targeted villages of 3 blocks namely Hee-Martam, Gyalshing and Soreng. The Project aims to benefit about 3000 marginal and under-privileged tribal people through generating sustainable livelihood alternative through various development based programmes.
Gramin Vikas Trust has signed an MOU with The Forest Department of Assam, for the Assam Project on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation. The project is supported by the French Development Agency – Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the State Government of Assam. The project focuses on increase of the forest cover in the state facilitating enhanced carbon sequestration to cater the UNFCCC’s INDCs goals through robust and participatory Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices.